Wednesday 23 March 2011

North-East Drugs Survey

A major North-East survey could help shape Scotland’s future drug policies.

Members of the public will be asked for their views on drug misuse and treatment.

Researchers from the University of Aberdeen will be sending out questionnaires to 3,000 households on a wide range of drugs issues.

People will be asked about their understanding of drug dependency and whether anyone in their family has an addiction.

Views on the use of methadone as a heroin substitute and whether drug users should be detoxified will be among the questions posed.

The survey will also ask for views on treatments such as supervised heroin prescribing.

People will also be asked whether they would be willing to pay towards treating drug users and if so, how much.

Dr Catriona Matheson, who leads the university’s drug misuse research team, said: “We hope our findings will help inform future drugs policy in Scotland.”

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