Wednesday 23 March 2011

Schoolgirl Boots Racism into Touch

 An Aberdeen schoolgirl has been recognised in a nationwide campaign to stamp racism out of football.

Laura Booth is a pupil at Bucksburn Academy in Aberdeen and was one of the runners up in the S1-S3 category of Show Racism the Red Card awards.

Laura designed a poster, which was picked from thousands of entries across Scotland at the ceremony for the anti-racism contest at Hampden Stadium in Glasgow.

Alongside her poster she wrote: “When I heard about the competition I knew straight away I wanted to enter. I tried to think of a slogan that would put a clear message across that racism has no place in our country.”

Laura’s poster read “We are all one race… The Human Race!”

The event, run in conjunction with the Scottish Qualifications Authority, invited pupils from across Scotland to create posters, art work, short films and multi-media displays to put across the anti-racism message.

Amanda Peebles, spokeswoman for Show Racism the Red Card said: “The Creative competition is now in its eighth year and continues to be a highly successful and integral part of our campaign.

“I have been amazed at how creative our young people can be in finding ways to get the anti-racism message across.”

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